Photo Story: Lea Goes to Disneyland


Lea Goes to Disneyland

When Lea read A Peek into the Pantry’s post about Maryellen visiting Disneyland, she was smitten! It looked like Maryellen had a fantastic time enjoying the sights and tastes of the 60-year-old “Magic Kingdom!”

When she found out my husband and I were planning to go to Disneyland soon, she begged and pleaded to tag along. But unfortunately, there was no way to fit her in the mini backpack I planned to bring.

“No problem! I think I have a solution!” She had said before rushing off quickly.

The day of the trip arrived, and just as I was about to walk out the door, a tiny but familiar voice caught me.

“Hey! Wait for me!”

I’m still not entirely sure how she managed to do it, (though a mysterious charge on my card from “Fairy Godmother Magic Goods” gives me a bit of a clue), but Lea managed to shrink herself into just the right size to inconspicuously fit in my backpack.

So I let her come along — and she was thrilled!

Mini Lea at Disneyland

Hello from VERY SUNNY Disneyland!

Lea loved every sight, sound and smell, and she managed to take a lot of great pictures with her camera — which she had somehow also shrunk. Here are a few of her favorites…

Sleeping Beauty Castle

Sleeping Beauty Castle

Sleeping Beauty’s Castle is draped in blue banners and sparkling strings of “diamonds” to celebrate the park’s 60th birthday, the “Diamond Celebration.” Even the rooftops are covered in glittering jewels and silver details. Lea was able to get a pretty good shot by standing on the railing just in front of these roses.

Disneyland Roses

The Disneyland Rose

Speaking of roses, here’s a picture of Disneyland’s official rose. Isn’t it pretty? I really want to get one for my backyard.

Lea at the Matterhorn


Lea really loved riding the Matterhorn! Technically, she was shorter than the “42” or taller” height restriction, but I don’t think that actually counts for dolls anyway. A little over a year ago, the Matterhorn underwent refurbishing that introduced a new, more realistic abominable snowman, and MAN, it’s about 1,000 times scarier-looking than the old one! You can see for yourself by watching this Disney Parks video from 2014 and Inside the Magic’s Matterhorn update video from 2015.

Begging Ducks

“Please, sir, we want some more…”

Being so close to the ground, Lea was able to get a lot of great shots of Disneyland’s ducks! This trio was begging for food by giving everyone nearby the cutest puppy dog eyes ever.

Baby Duck

Tiny, Fluffy, and Adorable!

And here’s one of the newest Disneyland ducks, born about a week ago. Disneyland was full of young ducklings (and mother ducks keeping a close eye on them).

We all had a fantastic time, and spent the next day looking through all the photos we’d taken.

I absolutely LOVED Gwen‘s idea of bringing a doll with her to the parks, so I had to try it for myself! 🙂

I did have a few other photos with mini Lea, but they didn’t turn out as nice as I’d hoped. I’ll just have to bring her with me more places and keep practicing!

Lea wasn’t the only mini thing in my backpack by the end of the day. I’ll show you what else I got on my trip to Disneyland next time. Have a great weekend!